
Parsley bunches with tags, bunches of chards, mint in bulk… please have a look at all the different options of packaging available

Traceability, preservation, emphasis of the product, ecology,… we are adaptable and have the right solution for all kinds of needs. Plastic wrapping is a good tool to increase preservation of goods, nevertheless, and in order to reduce our ecological footprint, we are commited to lessen its use at all steps of our production. Therefore, we are constantly looking at new technologies, and different innovations to reduce the environmental impact. As an example, we have been using some devices allowing a performing traceability while decreasing the presence of plastic.

A packaging adjustable and adaptable to every need

In order to adapt to the market trends, we are creating a dynamic of continuous innovation and improvement, searching for the best tools, the best processes of production, to ensure both the customer and client satisfaction.

Our key drivers are: gustatory, visual satisfaction, reactivity and adaptability and thanks to our team and equipment we have everything we need to reach our objectives.

Our packaging options


  • Bunches under Flowpack
  • Bunches with double rubber bands
  • Bunches rubber binded with traceability tag (origin, logo, date, barcode)
  • Loose parsley


  • Bunches under flowpack
  • Bunches with double rubber bands
  • Bunches rubber binded with traceability tag
  • Loose mint


  • Loose spinach


  • Bunches rubber binded
  • Bunches with traceability tag
  • Loose chard


Boxes can contain from 8 to 10 bunches of chard and from 12 to 30 bunches of parsley and mint.
For loose products, boxes are filled from 1kg to 5kg of goods.