Organic parsley, GLOBALG.A.P certification…
Improving the production as much as possible
We are dedicated to guarantee to our customers qualitative products, elaborated in the best conditions and ethically. The GLOBALG.A.P, GRASP and Organic Agriculture certifications act as guarantors:

The quality of our products is the most important thing, and this is why our production is certified GLOBALG.A.P. On one hand, the goal is to guarantee sustainable agricultural practices and on the other hand, it is to ensure a responsible and healthy approach for all our employees.

The GLOBALG.A.P certification is strengthened by the GRASP one, which endeavors to answer customers‘concerns.

Today, one of our goal is to increase the surface area of organic fields.
In addition to that, our projects are anchored in responsible processes environmentally and socially speaking: reducing the use of phytosanitary products, choosing natural or mechanical solutions rather than chemical ones. The intention is less impact on the biodiversity.